Waterlogged application flooded for Android Because of the concerns of life and the daily troubles that we see, we do not remember to drink water constantly, and it is known that water is the basis of life that the body needs continuously. Most people ignore drinking water, especially in the winter season, and do not remember it unless you feel thirsty and dry throat, but from It is normal for a person to drink a certain amount of water every hour, as it works on many things for the body and also works to lose weight and burn fat. That is why the developers introduced the Waterlogged application flooded with water so that it works to remind you of water continuously and completely eliminates the problem of forgetting it.
Waterlogged Flooded Android App
This application works to remind you of water in a continuous manner, because the human body needs water continuously, and the amount of water needed by each body differs from the other. This application informs you about the amount of water suitable for your body, and divides this amount throughout the day and reminds you to drink it, and the amount of water suitable for each person depends. According to his weight and age, the amount of water that the child drinks differs from the amount of water that the adult drinks. They must take this matter into consideration so that the body does not suffer from any disease or dehydration.
This application works by reminding you to drink water by recording your age, weight, the time you sleep, and the unit scale within this application so that it automatically determines how much water your body needs per day, and it also shows you the amount of water you drink every hour, and you can also set the morning time And the evening so that this application works to remind you to drink water according to the schedule that you entered on this application, and also this application works to display a report every period that informs you of the many benefits that result when drinking plenty of water, so you must download this application immediately and maintain your health.
Download the Waterlogged Flooded apk app for Android mobile with a direct link
If you want an application that reminds you to drink water constantly and simple on the device and the way to use it is easy and uncomplicated, you can use the Waterlogged flooded application, as this application works to determine the appropriate daily amount of water for each body and according to the age of the person. For this reason, the application determines the appropriate amount to drink water, for everyone. You also notice when you drink water continuously and in large quantities per day, a big difference in the shape of your body and the burning of accumulated fats. All people who depend on a diet drink more water in order to lose weight quickly.
This application knows the amount of water available to your body by displaying glasses of water, so all you have to do is count these cups and divide them throughout the day, and set reminder dates according to the cups that the application shows you, and you can also set this application with the modern Samsung watch so that this watch reminds you With water drinking times, and this is better if your phone is far from you or you have silent mode on it.
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Features of Waterlogged Flooded Latest Version
- This application is completely free and does not require any payment fees when downloading.
- This application determines the appropriate amount of water for each body so that the body does not suffer from any disease or dehydration.
- It is well known that water is human life, so we must drink large quantities and not be lazy about drinking water. This application is the alarm for you so that you always remember it.
- After using this application, you will notice that your body gets rid of fat quickly and without dieting or dieting.
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